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Global Medical Libraries
5662 Calle Real 442

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Last Updated: 06.22.17
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Countries/States Served: CD, ET, TZ, UG, ZM
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Dental Students, Nursing Students, Pharmacy Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month)
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Global Medical Libraries, originally known as Books without Borders, sent its first shipment to Iraq in 2007. In spring 2008, the name was changed to Operation Medical Libraries due to a name conflict with an unrelated organization. In March 2017, the project was re-branded to Global Medical Libraries (GML), a name which better reflects the scope of the project and its continuing mission to improve global healthcare one book at a time.

GML exists to shrink the educational gap in all areas of the health sciences in developing countries, which globally face the same problem: doctors and nurses go without the latest professional information they need to provide proper health care to their patients. 
In response to this urgent demand for life saving knowledge, GML has built a powerful collaboration between publishers, authors, universities, and hospitals to provide formal medical references and continuing education materials for health sciences students and professionals living in the developing world. 

Since the program’s inception in April 2007, over 2.5 M of health sciences (dentistry, nursing, and medical) textbooks have been donated to 26 countries spread over 4 continents, at no expense to the recipients or their governments: Afghanistan, Antiqua, Chad, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Germany, Haiti, Iraq, Malawi, Morocco-Western Sahara region, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Fiji, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey (Turkish Syrian Border), Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Trips and Activities
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